No, Not That Darren Cole: Innocent Man Detained Dozens Of Times Due To Mistaken Identity
This Darren Cole of Chicago is a great, law abiding guy. Another Darren Cole, not so much. This has made the Good Darren Cole's life a living nightmare Photo from Chicago Tribune There's a fine, upstanding man in Chicago named Darren Cole. He just wants to mind his own business, but police keep confusing him with a not as fine, upstanding other Darren Cole, and it's made Good Darren Cole's life a living hell. He's suing the Chicago Police Department over the matter. According to Vice: "Thanks to a longstanding case of mistaken identity, Chicago officers have held the 50-year-old at gunpoint, threatened him with violence, punched him in the mouth, and forced him to lie face down in the snow, according to a federal lawsuit he filed against the city." Cole has been detained about 60 times since 2006. The Good Cole shares an almost identical driver's license number, name, and birthday with someone with an outstanding warrant. It's not as if the Ba